Archives for category: Teen Jazz Announcements and New Articles

5. The Secret to Being Productive for Musicians

4. Seven Things I Learned from Seeing George Benson and BB King Perform

3. Our Interview with the Jazz Queen of Talking Smooth Jazz

2. Our Interview with Saxophonist Jason Weber

1. Our Interview with Trombonist Andrew Boostrom

Teen Jazz features the profiles of up and coming musicians, giving them a place to network and promote their music. We’ve recently featured several great young artists on Teen Jazz including Sean Winter who has also become a contributor.

We love helping young musicians spread the word about their music. Check out some of the talented young artists on Teen Jazz:

Teen Jazz Artists


This week has been exciting here at Teen Jazz – we’ve launched our very first Podcast! Teen Jazz Radio has been around for over a year now, but we initially featured music on youtube. Inspired by Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income, we decided to switch mediums and release Teen Jazz Radio features as a podcast as opposed to a youtube video (but we have a youtube version of the podcast as well).

You can watch or listen to our first episode through any of the channels below:

On Teen Jazz Radio

Subscribe to our podcast and discover new music each month on iTunes

Subscribe to our YouTube channel and get access to our video interviews and the podcast

Follow us on Soundcloud


We’re really excited to announce the release of our first eBook on Teen Jazz.

You may have seen the first edition of it appear briefly as part of our 12 Deals of Christmas, and the response to the free version was overwhelmingly positive. So, we’ve decided to create a more complete version of the Album Checklist and release it as a bundle with editable versions of the checklists and worksheets.

The book is now available through the Teen Jazz website and will hopefully be available through other online retailers.

We’re so happy to introduce this new book to our community and we hope to get feedback on it to improve new editions (which for the time being, are free with the purchase of the current edition). With this book we hope to simplify the album release process and help you all keep your recording projects organized.

You can read more about the book on Teen Jazz.